About me

Like most people I am sure, after my undergraduate degree I swore never to study again, feeling like I had had more than my fair share of library induced stress and last minute deadline panics. And, also like many people, I promptly forgot this after a couple of months and dived straight into my MA.

Once again, after emerging from the fog of the last few months of MA, I swore off academic study for life and plunged into a career in academic publishing. After a few years I left the dark side and managed to make my way over to Higher Education, where I now enjoy a lovely job as a Research Copywriter at the University of Huddersfield, helping researchers to promote and disseminate their work.

Of course, I have once again foolishly forgotten the trials of my MA, and have now started my PhD as a part time PGR attached to the School of Education and Professional Development. My research will focus on the social impact of research, so fits nicely into the social science category.

After some VERY wise words from my lovely mentor, I decided to start this blog to chart my meandering journey through my PhD and make sure I have a record of all the (ahem) ‘informed’ decisions I make along the way….

It would also be great if it helps me to connect to other PhD students out there and get that all important feedback along the way.

3 thoughts on “About me

  1. Hi Megan. I was interested to read about your research as the focus of my PhD is information gathering through play. I am developing playful methodologies to engage communities and evaluate impact on society. It was great to read about your experience using the Lego Serious Play. Sounds very interesting. Kate

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